Friday, 1 July 2011

So You Really Want to Kill Shannox

So you want to kill that meandering one eyed huntard? Well I did and I'm here to help you out. Not going to go through his abilities and what raid composition, that can be found in an earlier post. The biggest issue people are having is the fact that Shannox and Riplimb are untauntable. With these following tips you won't even need to worry about threat.

First off you have your entire raid just focus fire Rageface down, the extra damage on the tank is completely manageable and since your healers don't have to worry so much on the raid damage they can be redistributed to the tank.

Meanwhile your Main tank builds threat on Shannox and since the raid is on Rageface it shouldn't be a problem. Our biggest problem however was our tank stepping on fire traps and getting rocked by the boss. To combat this our tank just kited the boss around a large circle and since he was always moving there was never a chance of stepping on a trap. The bonus to this is the raid has to move as well to keep up so they have a lesser chance of stepping on traps.

The hardest part of this fight is having the Riplimb tank in charge of dropping both tanks debuff stacks. Once we figured it out the theory was pretty easy while the execution could be tricky. Whenever Shannox throws his spear he can no longer apply the tear debuff and Riplimb ceases to as well since he runs over to the spear and then brings it back to his master. By timing it right we were able to bring Riplimb into a crystal trap just after the spear's explosion freezing the dog in place for about 8 secs. During this time both tanks run opposite directions from the spear so when Riplimb breaks free he has to travel to Shannox and then back to the Riplimb tank which if you've done it correctly, both tanks debuffs have dropped.

Easy fight once you figure it out.

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