Beth’Tilac is a spider boss located in Firelands
-There is a large web ceiling where raiders can move up to by clicking the threads
-The raid is split in 2 groups: one group below and one group above the web
-Kill Beth’Tilac and all spawning adds before she kills the raid
-Beth’Tilac is a soft-enrage fight: You have to kill her before her damage becomes unhealable
Step 1: Pull and DPS Beth'Tilac
-The raid moves in and pulls Beth’Tilac
-Beth’Tilac retreats up to the safety of her web on the ceiling
-Spiders will spawn in the middle on threads. Kill the spiders The threads will stay.
-If Beth’Tilac is not engaged she will cast Venom Rain which does massive damage
-So one group needs to move up the web to engage Beth’Tilac to stop Venom Rain
-The rest of the raid stays on the ground and deals with the adds
Step 2: Group Above the Web
Assign one (elite) team to move up the threads. This consists of:
-10man: 1 tank, 1 healer and 2 melee
-25man: One tank, 2 healers and 5/6 melee
-Use the threads to climb up the web . Only one person can climb each string
-Beth’Tilac will use the following abilities when she is tanked on top of the web:
Meteor Burn
-Beth’Tilac casts a Meteor Burn. Move out of the impact zone.
Smoldering Devastation
-Beth’Tilac has an energy meter (called Fire Energy)
-Whenever this is at 0 energy, she will cast Smoldering Devastation
-This ability will kill you wipe (immolate aura doing 40K damage per sec)
-In order to dodge this, you will need to jump down the hole in the middle of the web
-Assist on killing any big spiders when you are on the ground
-Make sure to move back up after Smoldering Devastation is gone.
Step 3: Group Below the Web.
-The group on the ground is positioned in the north like this
-The groups deals with the following adds like this:
Cinderweb Spinner
-These spider hang on thread. They always spawn in the middle
-Let 1 ranged DPS (10man) or 2/3 ranged DPS (25man) kill these spinners
-These spiders deal mediocre damage and continue to spawn during the fight
Cinderweb Drones
These are big spiders that need to be tanked here
-Do not stand in front of the adds (they use an acid cone)
-If these spiders run out of energy they will move up the ceiling to heal the boss
-So kill the big spiders before they run out of energy
Cinderweb Spiderlings
-Beth’Tilac occasionly summons small adds that spawn left and right of the middle
-If these small adds reach the other spiders or the boss, they will get consumed and heal them
-The small spiders are high killing priority and need to be AOE’ed down fast
Step 4: Beth'Tilac moves down her web
-Beth’Tilac moves down after 3 Smoldering Devastations
-You need to have Beth Tilac down to about 70-75% now
-Any % higher means your DPS is too low (move more people up the web)
-Make sure that all big spiders are killed when she moves down
-The raid is positioned in a triangle like this when Beth’Tilac is on the ground
-Beth’Tilac uses the following abilities in this phase
-She gains a stacking buff called Frenzy which does more damage over time
-This is a soft enrage timer: Beth Tilac damage will become unhealable at some point
-She also cast The widow’s Kiss on a tank. This is a stacking debuff
-The debuff reduces healing and gives the tank an aura that damages nearby allies (stacks up)
In order to deal with this do the following:
Tank Rotation
-The maintank tanks Beth’Tilac
-At some point (randomly) she casts The Widow’s Kiss on the maintank
-The offtank takes over, the maintank moves to the offtank positioning
-The offtank tanks Beth’Tilac for 20 seconds
-The maintank takes over, etc.
-Why 20 seconds? Is the exact time for the debuff to run out
-Continue the same routine and kill Beth’Tilac
~written by Peekingtom of Exiled Legion~
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