With Firelands coming up my guild is being ultra prepared for it. The following is the strategy we are going to use for Shannox and the original strategy we analyzed.
Wall of strategy text could kill this boss!
Shannox is a tank and spank fight with 2 dogs
-Shannox spawns traps which damages all players and his dogs
-Dodge the traps, DPS the adds down. Then finish Shannox off.
Step 1: Assignments for Shannox
The raid uses the following assignments:
Tank Assignment
-The MT and OT tank Shannox and Riplimb
-Rageface has no aggro-table and will be loose within the raid
DPS Assignments
-2/3rd of your Melee DPS focus on Riplimb
-2/3rd of your Ranged DPS focus on Rageface
-1/3 Melee DPS and 1/3 ranged DPS on Shannox
Kill order
-DPS Shannox down to 35% and all adds to 5%
-After this: Kill the dogs and DPS Shannox down
-This ensures that the dogs will not enrage and destroy the raid when Shannox reaches 30%
-Shannox will enrage at 30% and does a lot more damage
Step 2: Pull and DPS Shannox
-Clear all the trash in the sight to have a large safe area
-The maintank moves in and pulls Shannox
-Riplimb always attacks person with highest thread , which is MT Rageface is loose in the raid, all spread out
Step 3: Abilities of Shannox
Shannox uses the following abilities:
-Shannox uses Jagged Tear on the MT
-MT tanks Shannox for 30 seconds
-OT taunts and takes over Shannox plus Riplimb
-30 seconds is the exact time for the debuff to run out
Hurl Spear:
-Shannox throws a spear to a random player which deals massive damage
-Shannow will indicate the impact zone, move out of this zone
-The MT will die if he stays within the impact zone
-This will leave a large circle of fire, move out of the lines
Arching Slash:
-Shannox occasionally use Arching Slash on the tank
-Nobody except the tank stand in front of him
-This means that the OT stands with the raid!
Step 4: Shannox's Traps
-Shannox cast 2 kind of traps during this fight continiously
-These traps will spawn underneath players
-You have 2 seconds to move out of these traps
Immolation Trap:
-This trap does large fire damage when stepped into
Crystal Prison Trap:
-This trap will put the player into a prison with 140k hp (25man)
-The traps look different and are easy to spot
-Just remember: Traps also work on dogs
However: this is not mandatory but helps on DPSing the adds down faster
Step 5: Final Phase of Shannox
-DPS both dogs down to 5% and Shannox down to 35%
-Kill both dogs down now
-Shannox goes into a frenzy , he does more DPS and spawns more traps
-He not use hurl spear but instead uses magma rupture .
-Heal through this Shannox keeps using jagged Tear, so keep swapping tanks
-Bloodlust and DPS down Shannox